Local Autonomy Index (Luxembourg)

Project in brief

The Local Autonomy Index deals with the most meaningful dimensions of local autonomy: legal autonomy, political leeway, financial autonomy, organizational autonomy, access and non-interference.




Dr. Raphaël Kies

Ekaterina Chirkova

Dr. Dan Schmit

Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), University of Lausanne



Project description

The Local Autonomy Index deals with the most meaningful dimensions of local autonomy: legal autonomy, political leeway, financial autonomy, organizational autonomy, access and non-interference. The aim is to provide an updated cross-country comparison of local autonomy. Country rankings and country-specific patterns are also developed. The project is carried out under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Andreas Ladner and his team of the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), University of Lausanne, Switzerland. The researchers associated with PLDP were responsible for the coding of the local autonomy index for Luxembourg. 


Ladner Andreas, Keuffer Nicolas, Baldersheim Harald, Hlepas Nikos, Swianiewicz Pawel, Steyvers Kristof, and Navarro Carmen (2019): Patterns of Local Autonomy in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Ladner, Andreas, Keuffer, Nicolas and Baldersheim, Harald (2015) "Local Autonomy Index for European countries (1990-2014). Release 1.0", Brussels: European Commission.http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/publications/studies/2015/self-rule-index-for-local-authorities-release-1-0