Université du Luxembourg
Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Ministère d’État, Le SMC
In the framework of the Medialux Project of the University of Luxembourg coordinated by Dr. Raphaël Kies and Dr. Stéphanie Lukasik, Professor in Information and Communication Sciences, Anne Cordier will hold a conference on March 3, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm online on the topic of Media Literacy: Time to Choose.
This the 2nd conference of the Medialux Project which will take place on March 3, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm online in French and will focus on Media Literacy: Time for Choices by the Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, Anne Cordier. To participate, you can click on this link.
Focus of the conference: At a time when studies are multiplying – with more or less questionable methods – indicating a drop in the level of confidence and interest expressed in the media (Kantar-La Croix), or even the porosity of young people to conspiracy theories in connection with this mistrust (Fondation Jean Jaurès, 2022), media education is faced with crucial choices. Societal, political and educational choices. It is a fact, and quantitative studies agree: 71% of 15-34 year olds use social networks daily to access information, a widely preferred recourse, far ahead of television news (49%) for example (Ministry of Culture, 2018). At the heart of the factors put forward to explain this phenomenon is the question of trust in journalists, who are suspected of being complicit with partisan interests (Cagé, 2015) and/or of not – anymore – doing the work expected of an investigator (Jehel, 2020; Charon, 2007). In the face of such observations, many research studies have focused on shedding light on journalistic logics (Mercier, 2006; Bigot, 2019) while others are concerned with deconstructing fake news and offering the public keys to understanding and critical resistance (Bronner, 2013; Frau-Meigs, 2019). Our proposal is part of another, complementary approach: to investigate, as closely as possible, the actors’ own perceptions of mediation processes and the ways in which they determine the feeling of trust towards a source, a media or a figure. As a researcher in Information and Communication Sciences, conducting for several years research with teenagers and young adults, in an anthropological perspective, we wish to share here the results of surveys with these young people who are so often stigmatized in their relationship to the media. Young people who confide their doubts, their anger but also their convictions, with regard to the media and the platforms of diffusion of information. Young people who express a complex relationship with media and to this figure of the journalist who crystallizes their attention. Young people who also call for help in a resolutely proactive media education. First, we will see how these young people evolve in the contemporary media landscape, and we will try to grasp the place that “the journalist” holds in the informational media ecosystem of these young people, oscillating between affective attachment to informational authority figures emerging via social platforms and the will to access objectified information. Insofar as our investigations also concern the school environment and the way in which the French educational system deals with the problems of media and information literacy, we would like to share some of the findings/conclusions of these studies, pointing out the pitfalls of an “education against the media” (Corroy, 2016) and the restrictive focus often applied, which leads to a lack of understanding of the educational issues. We are convinced that understanding the modes of trust is instructive for the world of education, which can rely on this knowledge to elaborate a discourse and practices that are perhaps more in tune with the social reality of the actors in their care. This is why, in the third part, we will allow ourselves to draw lessons from our research results in order to work on the development of a confident culture of information and media, and more broadly, we will propose concrete courses of action, both political and educational, for an education at the service of media information and of juvenile information practices.
Photo credit: Anne Cordier
Anne Cordier is a University Professor in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lorraine and a researcher at the Centre de recherche sur les médiations (CREM) in France. She is a specialist of digital uses and practices, particularly of “young people” (children, teenagers, young adults), as well as of their uses and practices of information and media. She is the author of the book Grandir connectés : les adolescents et la recherche d’information published by C&F in 2015 and co-author of the book Utopies contemporaines en information-documentation published by ISTE in 2018. Anne Cordier has also written several articles in scientific journals such as Hermès, Communication & Organisation and the Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication.
BIGOT, Laurent (2019). Fact-checking vs fake news : Vérifier pour mieux informer. Paris : INA.
BRONNER, Gérald (2013). La démocratie des crédules. Paris : PUF.
CAGÉ, Julia (2015). Sauver les médias. Paris : La République des idées.
CHARON, Jean-Marie (2007). Les journalistes et leur public : Le grand malentendu. Paris : Vuibert.
CORDIER, Anne (2021). Exercer un esprit critique en confiance : Le défi de l’éducation à l‘information et aux médias. Hermès, p. 168-174.
CORDIER, Anne (2019). Pour une anthropologie de l'information. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en SIC, 2019.
CORDIER, Anne (2015). Grandir Connectés : Les adolescents et la recherche d’information. Caen : C & F Éditions, 303p. (Les enfants du numérique).
CORROY, Laurence (2016). Éducation et médias. La créativité à l’ère du numérique, Londres, Iste Editions.
FRAU-MEIGS, Divina (2019). Faut-il avoir peur des fake news ? Paris : La Documentation Française.
JEANNERET, Yves (2011/2000). Y a-t-il (vraiment) des technologies de l’information ? Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. Villeneuve d’Ascq : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
MERCIER, Arnaud (2006). Logiques journalistiques et lecture événementielle des faits d'actualité. Hermès –La Revue, n°46, p.23-35.
LIQUÈTE, Vincent, CORDIER (2018), Anne. Utopies contemporaines en information-documentation. ISTE Editions.
LEHMANS, Anne, CORDIER, Anne (2015). Transliteracy and Knowledge Formats. Communications in Computer and Information Science.
CORDIER, Anne, STALDER, Angèle, Modes d’appréhension et de dissémination des cultures de l’information dans l’École : Les conditions de la reliance. Communication & Organisation, 2017, Les nouvelles cultures de l’information dans les organisations, 51, pp. 67-76.
CORDIER, Anne (2021). Exercer un esprit critique en confiance : le défi de l'éducation à l'information et aux médias. Hermès, La Revue - Cognition, communication, politique, Confiance et communication : Une aporie démocratique, 88, pp.168-174.
Université de Luxembourg
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette